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toiacvietcong YouTube 频道头像
Those who have been advocating for the ruling clique in Vietnam need to take a step back and ask yourself these questions (since everybody else has): 1./ What happened to all the monies donated and lent to VN since 1975 ? Do the VNese people know that donor countries are tired of seeing VNese government delegations coming to their countries begging for money to be used in the war reconstruction effort (34 years & counting) while knowingly that all donations will find their way to corrupt officials' overseas bank accounts ? 2./ What happens to earnings VN has made from exporting oil, rice, seafood, etc. ? Why farmers, fishermen, factory workers still live in subsistence if in fact the economy output has risen from 6 to 8% per year? It's been 35 years since the end of the Vietnam War, yet the general populace still lives on less one dollar per day. 3./ Who are the main beneficiaries from the current laws enacted by the mafia in power in VN ? Where do VNese living or studying overseas get their money to buy large expensive real properties in rich countries like the USA, Canada, France, etc. ?4./ What do the thugs in government DO about lands that were lost to Han Chinese imperilaists and their occupation of Paracel & Spratlys islands ? Meek protests would resolve the issues or it'd result in more violence and abuse toward VNese citizens who have to make their living fishing in VN's territorial sea ?5./ Was it right to lie to our people by stoking the national unification's fire and in the process getting VNese to kill each other, something that can be achieved through "familial" dialogue ? Is it right to beat up, to jail, to murder our own kind so our ruling masters (Chinese & Russian) could be happy seeing VN destroyed and its population decimated, which in effect turns VNese into destitute & subservient people. Is it right to "make a living" taking orders from foreigners with blood, sweat, and tears from our own kind ?Crimes perpetrated by puppets like Ho chi Minh,Vo nguyen Giap, Pham van Dong, etc. against VN & its people on behalf of their ruling masters are reprehensible. Do you want your children and their offsprings always live in shame for having parents that used to be called modern-day Le chieu Thongs ?6./ How do you justify as being patriot by brutally beating up and jailing our own kind while watching our fishermen getting robbed & pirated at our territorial sea by chinese thugs AND only putting up mild protests against chinese occupation of our land and islands ?
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