Prophet Elvis Mbonye Avatar canale YouTube

Prophet Elvis Mbonye Statistiche Canale YouTube

Prophet Elvis Mbonye Avatar canale YouTube
Prophet Elvis Mbonye, in some circles, might be labelled a modern day mystic. The consistent record over the years of the startling prophetic revelations and predictions accompanied by their confirmation and fulfillment testifies to the heavenly office he occupies and operates. Some of these prophecies include but are not limited to, "predicting the exact date of the 2004 Tsunami (26th December) 3 months prior to the disaster, the North African government overthrows prior to any signs of upheaval, the 2010 Uganda terrorist bombings and numerous other prophecies, all in the presence of many attendants to weekly prophetic fellowships held under the banner of Zoe Fellowship in Kampala.
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$6 - $97 
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 $0 - $2

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Prophet Elvis Mbonye Statistiche Quotidiane

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Canali YouTube simili a Prophet Elvis Mbonye

Canali che condividono la stessa categoria o paese e hanno un numero di iscritti simile

 Channel  Statistiche
Alain Muku       Alain Muku  Uganda
Prophet Elvis Mbonye       Prophet Elvis Mbonye  Uganda