Finn Maxwell رمز قناة اليوتيوب

Finn Maxwell إحصائيات قناة يوتيوب

Finn Maxwell رمز قناة اليوتيوب
Hey guys, I've recently made a Facebook page associated with my channel, check it out! really can't take any requests, whether they be for cover videos, personal transcriptions or collaborations. I'm sorry but I get less and less time to do any videos of my own yet alone with other people. About me:Hey there. I like to think of myself as a musician, but on this channel I mainly play covers of metal songs as I personally think they're fun, and can sometimes be quite challenging. Firstly, I play guitar. I've been playing guitars for roughly 5 and a half years now, but most of my videos were done when I'd been playing 2 - 4 years. From 2009 - present I've been writing original material and posting it here, as I think people need to know that I'm more than just a cover artist. I currently have 4 full songs posted on here, along with two videos of my soloing ability. Usually, I tend to practice about an hour each day, sometimes more depending on what I'm doing or what is happening around me. I used to practice much more, for example in 2006 I think I played guitar most of the summer - from the morning through till the evening. I didn't become a good player overnight - I worked hard to get to this level. Becoming a better player is not an overnight thing, it is a gradual process which requires patience, determination and practice. My thoughts on writing music:As far as writing music is concerned, it's a very difficult thing to explain. It's not necessarily something you can teach; it's more of a personal experience that will happen to you at some time or another. Writing music isn't something you jump right into, it's not something that happens all in one go, for example; I didn't write Memories Lost in one session, it was taken from individual riffs that I had from months before, and gradually arranged to create the finished product. This is how I believe most musicians began their career as artists. The first riff or idea is the hardest step you will take as an artist, but after this, ideas come much more naturally and thus writing music becomes much more enjoyable to you. What I used to do when I started to try to write music, was to look at other bands work, and mainly analyse how they tend to structure their songs. This usually gave me an idea of how much I would need to write in order to get a similar outcome. It is a difficult thing to do, it is not easy. Another thing that I tend to see a lot of, is that some people tend to write with no emotion because they think it's not "cool". All music contains emotion, whether it be sadness, anger, happiness or anything else - it's there. And to quote a friend of mine, "if you don't feel or show emotion, your music is going to suck, plain and simple." and I think it's a good philosophy to follow. Some people get too caught up in trying to write something that they think is flashy or technical, that they forget what music is really about - expressing and communicating feelings (my personal opinion, some will disagree). Cheers,- The Musicman
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Finn Maxwell مخططات إحصائيات يوتيوب

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Finn Maxwell الأحصاءات اليومية

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المتوسط اليومى
ال30 يوم الأخيرة
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Finn Maxwellقنوات يوتيوب التى تشبه

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