Bob McGrath Awatar kanału YouTube

Bob McGrath Statystyki kanału YouTube

Bob McGrath Awatar kanału YouTube
Bob McGrath just celebrated his 44rd year on Sesame Street. He has bridged two generations of viewers as one of the original hosts. In addition to his role as music teacher on Sesame Street, Bob is a successful recording artist, concert performer, and author. His books and recordings are on sale at: and raised on an Illinois farm, Bob was a music major at the University of Michigan and received a Master's degree from Manhattan School of Music. A lyric tenor, he began his professional career singing and recording with the Robert Shaw Chorale and Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians and has worked with such noted musicians and conductors as Leonard Bernstein, Pablo Casals and Igor Stravinsky. He spent five years as the featured tenor soloist on Mitch Miller's popular NBC television series, "SING ALONG WITH MITCH."Bob is married and lives in Teaneck, NJ with his wife Ann. They are the parents of 5 children, 6 granddaughters and 2 grandsons.
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$41 - $659 
$2 - $47 
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 $0 - $0

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