Aisha Ponders - TeamViral - Sandra Potisek - MAD LEøN - TheGamingGeek - Gabija Valatkaite - AntiBullyingPro - HemsworthReflections

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 Start Over
 Registration Date
Aisha Ponders 05-07-2014 
TeamViral 03-09-2013 
Sandra Potisek 24-06-2011 
MAD LEøN 25-07-2009 
TheGamingGeek 13-04-2011 
Gabija Valatkaite 15-06-2012 
AntiBullyingPro 19-02-2012 
HemsworthReflections 01-10-2013 
Aisha Ponders 96
TeamViral 188
Sandra Potisek 510
MAD LEøN 114
TheGamingGeek 730
Gabija Valatkaite 0
AntiBullyingPro 331
HemsworthReflections 68
 all-time income
Aisha Ponders $0 - $15 
TeamViral $66 - $1K 
Sandra Potisek $277 - $4.4K 
MAD LEøN $577 - $9.2K 
TheGamingGeek $157 - $2.5K 
Gabija Valatkaite $0 - $8 
AntiBullyingPro $544 - $8.7K 
HemsworthReflections $18 - $292 
Aisha Ponders $0 
TeamViral $0 - $5 
Sandra Potisek $0 - $8 
MAD LEøN $5 - $81 
TheGamingGeek $0 - $3 
Gabija Valatkaite
AntiBullyingPro $1 - $26 
HemsworthReflections $0 - $4 
Aisha Ponders 5,180
TeamViral 6,350
Sandra Potisek 7,140
MAD LEøN 7,680
TheGamingGeek 5,380
Gabija Valatkaite 9,290
AntiBullyingPro 7,580
HemsworthReflections 7,300
 subscriber rank
Aisha Ponders #1,070,921
TeamViral #1,007,531
Sandra Potisek #962,301
MAD LEøN #932,252
TheGamingGeek #1,061,110
Gabija Valatkaite #851,855
AntiBullyingPro #937,709
HemsworthReflections #953,273
Aisha Ponders
TeamViral 17 
Sandra Potisek 39 
TheGamingGeek 55 
Gabija Valatkaite
AntiBullyingPro 26 
Aisha Ponders 3,848
TeamViral 265,067
Sandra Potisek 1,108,004
MAD LEøN 2,309,520
TheGamingGeek 628,361
Gabija Valatkaite 2,199
AntiBullyingPro 2,179,252
HemsworthReflections 73,088
 view rank
Aisha Ponders #1,450,168
TeamViral #1,156,821
Sandra Potisek #934,678
MAD LEøN #754,803
TheGamingGeek #1,040,484
Gabija Valatkaite #1,469,525
AntiBullyingPro #770,779
HemsworthReflections #1,278,914
Aisha Ponders 40 
TeamViral 1,409 
Sandra Potisek 2,172 
MAD LEøN 20,258 
TheGamingGeek 860 
Gabija Valatkaite
AntiBullyingPro 6,583 
HemsworthReflections 1,074 
 1 day change
Aisha Ponders  0
 $0 - $0

TeamViral  0
 $0 - $0

Sandra Potisek  +10
 $0 - $1

 $0 - $0

TheGamingGeek Check Tomorrow

Gabija Valatkaite Check Tomorrow

AntiBullyingPro  0
 $0 - $6

HemsworthReflections Check Tomorrow

 1 week change
Aisha Ponders Check Tomorrow

TeamViral Check Tomorrow

Sandra Potisek Check Tomorrow

MAD LEøN Check Tomorrow

TheGamingGeek Check Tomorrow

Gabija Valatkaite Check Tomorrow

AntiBullyingPro Check Tomorrow

HemsworthReflections Check Tomorrow

 1 month change
Aisha Ponders Check Tomorrow

TeamViral Check Tomorrow

Sandra Potisek Check Tomorrow

MAD LEøN Check Tomorrow

TheGamingGeek Check Tomorrow

Gabija Valatkaite Check Tomorrow

AntiBullyingPro Check Tomorrow

HemsworthReflections Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank