Freeze Lists - Natalie Tewa - Khaligraph Jones - Wildlife Sightings - AM Films - Jim Nduruchi RUS - dswtkenya - Repent and prepare the way

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I dati analitici sono certificati da YouTube
 Data di Registrazione
Freeze Lists 29-01-2012 
Natalie Tewa 10-02-2015 
Khaligraph Jones 20-07-2012 
Wildlife Sightings 04-12-2013 
AM Films 20-02-2016 
Jim Nduruchi RUS 12-11-2012 
dswtkenya 21-03-2011 
Repent and prepare the way 07-04-2009 
Freeze Lists 429
Natalie Tewa 59
Khaligraph Jones 69
Wildlife Sightings 39
AM Films 13
Jim Nduruchi RUS 3,951
dswtkenya 424
Repent and prepare the way 1,418
 guadagni globali
Freeze Lists $179K - $2.8M 
Natalie Tewa $937 - $14K 
Khaligraph Jones $11K - $182K 
Wildlife Sightings $21K - $336K 
AM Films $1.5K - $24K 
Jim Nduruchi RUS $149K - $2.3M 
dswtkenya $22K - $367K 
Repent and prepare the way $4.4K - $71K 
Freeze Lists $419 - $6.7K 
Natalie Tewa $15 - $254 
Khaligraph Jones $165 - $2.6K 
Wildlife Sightings $539 - $8.6K 
AM Films $115 - $1.8K 
Jim Nduruchi RUS $37 - $603 
dswtkenya $54 - $867 
Repent and prepare the way $3 - $50 
Freeze Lists 2,150,000
Natalie Tewa 87,000
Khaligraph Jones 367,000
Wildlife Sightings 359,000
AM Films 77,100
Jim Nduruchi RUS 390,000
dswtkenya 224,000
Repent and prepare the way 82,000
 classifica iscritti
Freeze Lists #8,099
Natalie Tewa #198,995
Khaligraph Jones #59,993
Wildlife Sightings #61,252
AM Films #217,041
Jim Nduruchi RUS #56,654
dswtkenya #93,591
Repent and prepare the way #207,691
Freeze Lists 34 
Natalie Tewa
Khaligraph Jones
Wildlife Sightings
AM Films
Jim Nduruchi RUS 341 
dswtkenya 32 
Repent and prepare the way 93 
Freeze Lists 719,537,385
Natalie Tewa 3,749,924
Khaligraph Jones 45,707,344
Wildlife Sightings 84,185,406
AM Films 6,008,412
Jim Nduruchi RUS 596,584,714
dswtkenya 91,970,480
Repent and prepare the way 17,954,921
 classifica visualizzazoni
Freeze Lists #6,785
Natalie Tewa #615,337
Khaligraph Jones #100,901
Wildlife Sightings #58,685
AM Films #477,602
Jim Nduruchi RUS #8,382
dswtkenya #54,098
Repent and prepare the way #219,291
Freeze Lists 1,677,243 
Natalie Tewa 63,558 
Khaligraph Jones 662,425 
Wildlife Sightings 2,158,600 
AM Films 462,185 
Jim Nduruchi RUS 150,995 
dswtkenya 216,911 
Repent and prepare the way 12,662 
 cambiamenti in 1 giorno
Freeze Lists  0
 $171 - $2.7K

Natalie Tewa  0
 $0 - $3

Khaligraph Jones Controlla Domani

Wildlife Sightings  0
 $23 - $379

AM Films  0
 $0 - $8

Jim Nduruchi RUS  0
 $102 - $1.6K

dswtkenya  0
 $6 - $105

Repent and prepare the way  0
 $5 - $82

 cambiamenti in 1 settimana
Freeze Lists  0
 $1.2K - $19K

Natalie Tewa  0
 $1 - $22

Khaligraph Jones  +1,000
 $19 - $305

Wildlife Sightings  0
 $145 - $2.3K

AM Films  0
 $3 - $50

Jim Nduruchi RUS  +2,000
 $744 - $11K

dswtkenya  +1,000
 $41 - $661

Repent and prepare the way  +200
 $25 - $413

 cambiamenti in 1 mese
Freeze Lists Controlla Domani

Natalie Tewa Controlla Domani

Khaligraph Jones Controlla Domani

Wildlife Sightings Controlla Domani

AM Films Controlla Domani

Jim Nduruchi RUS Controlla Domani

dswtkenya Controlla Domani

Repent and prepare the way Controlla Domani

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