Sezar Sanctuary Awatar kanału YouTube

Sezar Sanctuary Statystyki kanału YouTube

Sezar Sanctuary Awatar kanału YouTube
What may have only been Hosein Mohammadis personal calling is now a pan Gilan wave that is helping the animals in needthose animals that have been abused and left to fend for themselves.Today,with so many supporters not only in gilan but also all across the world,Sezar Sanctuary is making gargantuan efforts to save the innocent animals from the bestialities that are served to them.Mohamadi alone has,till date, been successful in rescuing and restoring back to normal hundreds of dogs in Gilan.Stepping forward each day,saving a life each day,and lending help to those who want to do the same,is what SezarSanctuary is doing right now.And it has only one noble ambition,that of making earth a better place for animals as much in any part of the earth as in Gilan
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Sezar Sanctuary Wykres statystyk YouTube

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Sezar Sanctuary Statystyki dzienne

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