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Menno Gorter Statistiques de la chaîne YouTube

Menno Gorter Avatar de chaîne YouTube
O.k. ; I do have experience in wandering Lego finally. (Since december 1972)I really hope people understand the clue of "Lego the movie" and start to create instead of asking for building instructions....That must be one of the reasons why I'm not a member of any Lug or Community....I really do help people behind the curtains though, but on my terms.First you have to show what you've done so far and then you may ask for help. ;-)(And I don't mind to be MENTIONED or getting any credits for my works, but that especially seems very hard to do... :-( )One day I hope to be famous for my cockpit designs. :-)Menno Gorter.#MINDSTORMSMAGIC#ROBOTMAK3R(I've been designing actual walking Lego models since the end of 1972...)
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Menno Gorter Statistiques journalières

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