Hadassah Queen Music Avatar canale YouTube

Hadassah Queen Music Statistiche Canale YouTube

Hadassah Queen Music Avatar canale YouTube
Hi guys, my name is Esther but i'm known as Hadassah Queen my name is what kept me going because i was once suicidal, suffering from depression and was badly ill.. With all life was throwing at me I never once give up on God and the faith believing that things will get better one day. Anyway my prayers were answered and now this Queen is strong, healthy and not once giving up on what i love and that's music.. So come, on a journey with me, you will be blessed by testimony on testimony and great music. Also soon i'll start vlogs and sharing some interesting health tips. Thanks For being apart of the HQ family..
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Hadassah Queen Music Grafici statistici di YouTube

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Hadassah Queen Music Statistiche Quotidiane

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