Dua Asgerdur Awatar kanału YouTube

Dua Asgerdur Statystyki kanału YouTube

Dua Asgerdur Awatar kanału YouTube
H! You may not know what that word means but no worries, I will tell you. H means 'Hi' in Icelandic. So there you have it, the accent you've been trying to figure out happens to be an Icelandic accent. Even tho I was born on this beautiful island, It didn't take me long to discover the 'Travel World' so I currently live in Spain, Barcelona. But that might as well change tomorrow. I'll keep you updated.I'm a 23 year young girl who loves creating videos, fashion and going my own ways in life. Another thing I find very important in life is positivity. It is lovely to see how everything becomes amazing when you think positive. If my videos bring a smile to your face, I'm happy.Business or Personal Emails: [email protected] duaasgerdurLife is what you make it. Enjoy it.
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 $6 - $98
 zmiany w ciągu 1 tygodnia
 $32 - $523

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