wendykkuma - Lewis Gerschwitz - グラチク - Gurachiku - HaloNinjas - VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans - Danielogol Gamer - The Infantry Life - TaherGaming10

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 Start Over
wendykkuma  Gaming 
Lewis Gerschwitz  Gaming 
グラチク - Gurachiku  Gaming 
HaloNinjas  Gaming 
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans  Gaming 
Danielogol Gamer  Gaming 
The Infantry Life  Gaming 
TaherGaming10  Gaming 
wendykkuma Not Specified
Lewis Gerschwitz Australia Australia
グラチク - Gurachiku Japan Japan
HaloNinjas Not Specified
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans United States United States
Danielogol Gamer Spain Spain
The Infantry Life United States United States
TaherGaming10 Oman Oman
 Registration Date
wendykkuma 17-10-2011 
Lewis Gerschwitz 18-03-2012 
グラチク - Gurachiku 05-02-2016 
HaloNinjas 09-06-2012 
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans 09-08-2014 
Danielogol Gamer 29-12-2014 
The Infantry Life 02-08-2010 
TaherGaming10 25-07-2014 
wendykkuma 35
Lewis Gerschwitz 119
グラチク - Gurachiku 200
HaloNinjas 18
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans 309
Danielogol Gamer 233
The Infantry Life 94
TaherGaming10 26
 all-time income
wendykkuma $329 - $5.2K 
Lewis Gerschwitz $1K - $17K 
グラチク - Gurachiku $1.8K - $29K 
HaloNinjas $413 - $6.6K 
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans $496 - $7.9K 
Danielogol Gamer $373 - $5.9K 
The Infantry Life $238 - $3.8K 
TaherGaming10 $18 - $291 
wendykkuma $9 - $150 
Lewis Gerschwitz $9 - $147 
グラチク - Gurachiku $9 - $146 
HaloNinjas $22 - $367 
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans $1 - $25 
Danielogol Gamer $1 - $25 
The Infantry Life $2 - $40 
TaherGaming10 $0 - $11 
wendykkuma 8,200
Lewis Gerschwitz 10,000
グラチク - Gurachiku 10,700
HaloNinjas 8,760
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans 5,422
Danielogol Gamer 8,680
The Infantry Life 10,000
TaherGaming10 6,750
 subscriber rank
wendykkuma #904,944
Lewis Gerschwitz #819,183
グラチク - Gurachiku #787,625
HaloNinjas #877,063
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans #1,058,767
Danielogol Gamer #881,058
The Infantry Life #819,101
TaherGaming10 #984,235
Lewis Gerschwitz
グラチク - Gurachiku 23 
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans 31 
Danielogol Gamer 24 
The Infantry Life
wendykkuma 1,318,308
Lewis Gerschwitz 4,386,386
グラチク - Gurachiku 7,347,206
HaloNinjas 1,655,873
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans 1,985,652
Danielogol Gamer 1,494,815
The Infantry Life 954,108
TaherGaming10 72,783
 view rank
wendykkuma #896,316
Lewis Gerschwitz #568,959
グラチク - Gurachiku #421,211
HaloNinjas #842,455
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans #795,747
Danielogol Gamer #867,142
The Infantry Life #965,117
TaherGaming10 #1,279,268
wendykkuma 37,665 
Lewis Gerschwitz 36,860 
グラチク - Gurachiku 36,736 
HaloNinjas 91,992 
VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans 6,426 
Danielogol Gamer 6,415 
The Infantry Life 10,150 
TaherGaming10 2,799 
 1 day change
wendykkuma  0
 $0 - $1

Lewis Gerschwitz  0
 $0 - $5

グラチク - Gurachiku  0
 $0 - $8

HaloNinjas  0
 $0 - $0

VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans Check Tomorrow

Danielogol Gamer  0
 $0 - $0

The Infantry Life  0
 $0 - $0

TaherGaming10  0
 $0 - $0

 1 week change
wendykkuma Check Tomorrow

Lewis Gerschwitz Check Tomorrow

グラチク - Gurachiku Check Tomorrow

HaloNinjas Check Tomorrow

VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans Check Tomorrow

Danielogol Gamer Check Tomorrow

The Infantry Life Check Tomorrow

TaherGaming10 Check Tomorrow

 1 month change
wendykkuma Check Tomorrow

Lewis Gerschwitz Check Tomorrow

グラチク - Gurachiku Check Tomorrow

HaloNinjas Check Tomorrow

VelocityPlays | Clash of Clans Check Tomorrow

Danielogol Gamer Check Tomorrow

The Infantry Life Check Tomorrow

TaherGaming10 Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank