Dror Ven - Arata Honda - Eriugen Gjoka - Mapisto - Stephanie Gacha - 吳巧蕾 - Niko Kitty - matsuri

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 Start Over
Dror Ven Not Specified
Arata Honda Not Specified
Eriugen Gjoka Not Specified
Mapisto Not Specified
Stephanie Gacha United States United States
吳巧蕾 Not Specified
Niko Kitty Not Specified
matsuri Japan Japan
 Registration Date
Dror Ven 09-12-2010 
Arata Honda 07-11-2017 
Eriugen Gjoka 02-01-2009 
Mapisto 10-09-2010 
Stephanie Gacha 15-03-2019 
吳巧蕾 12-02-2007 
Niko Kitty 12-04-2013 
matsuri 29-07-2008 
Dror Ven 10
Arata Honda 3
Eriugen Gjoka 4
Mapisto 1
Stephanie Gacha 69
吳巧蕾 55
Niko Kitty 1
matsuri 11
 all-time income
Dror Ven $0 - $10 
Arata Honda $0 - $2 
Eriugen Gjoka $2 - $45 
Mapisto $61 - $983 
Stephanie Gacha $0 - $9 
吳巧蕾 $1.1K - $18K 
Niko Kitty $0 - $9 
matsuri $176 - $2.8K 
Dror Ven $0 - $1 
Arata Honda $0 
Eriugen Gjoka $0 - $11 
Mapisto $61 - $983 
Stephanie Gacha $0 
吳巧蕾 $21 - $338 
Niko Kitty $0 - $9 
matsuri $16 - $256 
Dror Ven 2
Arata Honda 4
Eriugen Gjoka 11
Mapisto 166
Stephanie Gacha 69
吳巧蕾 1,600
Niko Kitty 0
matsuri 480
 subscriber rank
Dror Ven #1,520,065
Arata Honda #1,511,673
Eriugen Gjoka #1,484,482
Mapisto #1,337,859
Stephanie Gacha #1,396,240
吳巧蕾 #1,167,647
Niko Kitty #1,543,592
matsuri #1,259,476
Dror Ven
Arata Honda
Eriugen Gjoka
Stephanie Gacha 13 
Niko Kitty
Dror Ven 2,574
Arata Honda 646
Eriugen Gjoka 11,311
Mapisto 245,869
Stephanie Gacha 2,262
吳巧蕾 4,651,848
Niko Kitty 2,312
matsuri 704,446
 view rank
Dror Ven #1,464,456
Arata Honda #1,501,078
Eriugen Gjoka #1,402,389
Mapisto #1,165,209
Stephanie Gacha #1,468,672
吳巧蕾 #551,693
Niko Kitty #1,467,982
matsuri #1,021,409
Dror Ven 257 
Arata Honda 215 
Eriugen Gjoka 2,827 
Mapisto 245,869 
Stephanie Gacha 32 
吳巧蕾 84,579 
Niko Kitty 2,312 
matsuri 64,040 
 1 day change
Dror Ven Check Tomorrow

Arata Honda Check Tomorrow

Eriugen Gjoka Check Tomorrow

Mapisto Check Tomorrow

Stephanie Gacha Check Tomorrow

吳巧蕾 Check Tomorrow

Niko Kitty Check Tomorrow

matsuri Check Tomorrow

 1 week change
Dror Ven Check Tomorrow

Arata Honda Check Tomorrow

Eriugen Gjoka Check Tomorrow

Mapisto Check Tomorrow

Stephanie Gacha Check Tomorrow

吳巧蕾 Check Tomorrow

Niko Kitty Check Tomorrow

matsuri Check Tomorrow

 1 month change
Dror Ven Check Tomorrow

Arata Honda Check Tomorrow

Eriugen Gjoka Check Tomorrow

Mapisto Check Tomorrow

Stephanie Gacha Check Tomorrow

吳巧蕾 Check Tomorrow

Niko Kitty Check Tomorrow

matsuri Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank